There are many questions about meaning and here you may find the one or the other answer.
This podcast aims to bring questions and answers together.
The pod is non-denominational, but aligned with Judeo-Christian teaching. The aim is to drawing closer to our roots and learning more from our Jewish brothers so we may understand our own Christian religion better.
What is this podcast about?
People ask a lot of questions about meaning.
I offer some sensible answers. This
podcast is designed to bringing questions and answers together.
The pod is non-denominational, but aligned with the Judeo-Christian teaching. As meaningful as some answers may be, there is never an end in the search for meaning.
One can never say: Now I know everything; no - but one can become wiser.
Here you will find a good start for further research, for critical analysis, for reflection, for forming an opinion - a possible stimulus for the one or the other mental move in your individually lived way of religious life.
Answers and contributions to discussion which I publish are taken from my personal experience and understanding of faith. They are not absolute, nor are they the doctrine of any church or congregation, although arguments from some of my very astute theology professors are of course included. Also, I'm learning a lot about Jewish context and translation (see reference page) which form new insights you find conveyed in the pods. The source is always mentioned, if applicable.
This site and pod does not see itself as a counter-attempt to ecclesiastical answers. Competitive thinking is far from my mind, you will more likely find overlapses. You will also find references to Bible passages, inspirational books or sites as well as podcasts and teachings from the Holy Land. Sources are given on a separate reference page.
I design all posts to the best of my knowledge and belief. Keep the good. Discard what seems inappropriate to you. I am pleased if my thoughts and insights make sense to you and help in dealing with questions and answers.
May God Most High bless us all with insight, joy and more freedom in Him!